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File Post-Export Processing Module

The post-export module allows you to modify your files after exporting them from Crowdin. With the post-export module, you can apply automated modifications to selected files. This module can work with a wide range of file formats, such as TXT, XML, JSON, and many more, to customize their contents.

By using the post-export module in your Crowdin app, you can adjust the file format, structure, and content. Since the module is executed after Crowdin exports the file, you can fine-tune the content after the file is processed by the system.


You can grant access to this module to one of the following user categories:

For Crowdin:

  • Only me (i.e., project owner)
  • All project members
  • Selected users

For Crowdin Enterprise:

  • Only organization admins
  • All users in the organization projects
  • Selected users


"modules": {
"file-post-export": [
"key": "your-post-export-module-key",
"url": "/export-file",
"signaturePatterns": {
"fileName": "^.+\\.xml$",
"fileContent": "<properties>\\s*<property\\s+name=.*value=.*/>"



Type: string

Required: yes

Description: Module identifier within the Crowdin app.


Type: string

Required: yes

Description: The relative URL triggered on file export.


Type: object

Description: Contains fileName and/or fileContent regular expressions used to detect file type when exporting a translation file.

Communication between File Processing App and Crowdin

When exporting a file, Crowdin detects an appropriate module using the signaturePatterns parameter and makes an HTTP request to the app’s URL ($baseUrl . $url) for further processing.

Additionally, during the file export, Crowdin will also validate the file name and content to ensure they match the appropriate file processing app modules. This process can include the pre-export processing module to modify the strings before the export and the post-export processing module to modify the content of the file after it is exported.

To modify the file content, the system first locates the appropriate post-export module and sends the file content to it. The module then performs the predetermined modifications, which may include file format changes, structure, and content updates.

Once the post-export module has completed the file modifications, Crowdin returns the modified file content, as well as a new file name or extension if applicable.

Request to the File Processing App

Request payload example:

// max request payload - 5 MB
// wait timeout - 2 minutes
"jobType": "file-post-export",
"organization": {
"id": 1,
"domain": "{domain}",
"baseUrl": "https://{domain}",
"apiBaseUrl": "https://{domain}"
"project": {
"id": 1,
"identifier": "your-project-identifier",
"name": "Your Project Name"
"file": {
"id": 1,
"name": "file.xml",
"content": "VGhpcyBpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=", // base64 encoded exported file content
"contentUrl": "", // exported file public URL
"rawContent": "VGhpcyBpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=", // base64 encoded source file content
"rawContentUrl": "" // source file public URL
"sourceLanguage": {
"id": "es",
"name": "Spanish",
"editorCode": "es",
"twoLettersCode": "es",
"threeLettersCode": "spa",
"locale": "es-ES",
"androidCode": "es-rES",
"osxCode": "es.lproj",
"osxLocale": "es",
"pluralCategoryNames": ["one"],
"pluralRules": "(n != 1)"
"targetLanguages": [
// same structure as for sourceLanguage, one element for export, can be more for multilingual files



Type: string

Value: file-post-export

Description: Specifies the action of the file post-export module.

file.content, file.contentUrl

Type: string

Description: Parameters used to pass the base64 encoded exported file content (file.content) or a exported file public URL (file.contentUrl).
Either of these two parameters can be used.

file.rawContent, file.rawContentUrl

Type: string

Description: Parameters used to pass the base64 encoded source file content (file.rawContent) or a source file public URL (file.rawContentUrl).
Either of these two parameters can be used.

Expected Response from the App

Response payload example:

// max response payload - 5 MB
// wait timeout - 2 minutes
"data": {
"content": "VGhpcyBpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=", // base64 encoded modified file content
"contentUrl": "", // modified file public URL
"exportPattern": "file.html" // optional, new export pattern for a resulting file
"error": {
"message": "Your error message"


data.content, data.contentUrl

Type(data.content): string

Type(data.contentUrl): string

Description: Parameters used to pass the base64 encoded modified file content (data.content) or a modified file public URL (data.contentUrl).
Either of these two parameters can be used.


Type: string

Description: Optional parameter used to overwrite export pattern for a resulting file.


Type: string

Description: An error message that can be passed from the app to Crowdin and will be visible to a user in the UI.

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