Configure webhooks for a specific project to receive notifications about events in the project such as file translation, review, and more.
See Crowdin Webhooks and Crowdin Enterprise Webhooks for more details.
You can add webhooks to build integrations with the third-party services or with your backend. After you configure a webhook for the project, Crowdin will start sending POST or GET requests with data to the webhook URL via HTTP.
Webhook integration can be implemented at different levels, including Project, Account, or Organization level.
Configure webhooks for a specific project to receive notifications about events in the project such as file translation, review, and more.
See Crowdin Webhooks and Crowdin Enterprise Webhooks for more details.
Configure webhooks for your Crowdin Enterprise organization to receive notifications when projects and groups are created or deleted.
See Organization Settings for more details.
Configure webhooks for your Crowdin account to receive notifications when projects are created or deleted.
See Account Settings for more details.
Depending on your approach to webhooks management, you might need to add dedicated Crowdin IP addresses to your firewall to allow Crowdin to open the pre-configured webhook URLs.
Read more about IP Addresses.
You can configure webhooks for different events that occur in the project, account, or organization.
View the examples of the webhook payloads for different events.
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