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Parser Configuration Settings

By default, Crowdin Enterprise uses a predefined set of import and export parameters for each supported file format.

The Parser configuration feature lets you change the default import and export behavior predefined for file formats supported by Crowdin Enterprise. Parser configuration in a specific project is applied only to files stored in this project.

You can set the parser configuration for all files of a certain format or single files. Once you save the parser configuration for some file format, you can upload source files to your project, and Crowdin Enterprise will apply your settings accordingly.

You can configure import and export behavior for the following formats: Java Properties, Generic XML, DITA, AsciiDoc, Plain text, MadCap Flare, HTML, Office documents, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Markdown, and MediaWiki.

Parser configuration

Parser Configuration Parameters

Some parameters are common to all formats, while others are format-specific. In the table below, you can see the available parser parameters and formats they could be configured for.

Content segmentationOn import, the source file’s content will be split into shorter text segments using predefined segmentation rules (SRX 2.0).Generic XML, DITA, AsciiDoc, MadCap Flare, HTML, Office documents, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Markdown
Custom segmentation rules

Defines your own segmentation rules.

Read more about Custom Segmentation.

Generic XML, DITA, AsciiDoc, Plain text, MadCap Flare, HTML, Office documents, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Markdown, MediaWiki
Excluded elementsDefines a list of CSS style selectors for elements that should not be available for translation (e.g., code, pre > code, .code-block). Applicable only to block elements. Inline elements are ignored.HTML, HTML with Front Matter
Excluded front matter elementsDefines a list of front matter elements that should not be available for translation (e.g., keywords, “internal.description”, tags). The path elements should be delimited by a period. The keys containing a period must be enclosed in quotation marks.HTML with Front Matter, MDX
Exclude code blocksDefines whether to import code blocks. Applicable only to code blocks. Inline elements with code are ignored.MDX
Translate contentTexts stored inside the tags will be available for translation.Generic XML
Translate attributesTag attributes will be available for translation.Generic XML
Translatable elements

Defines the specific nodes and attributes to be available for translation.

Generic XML
Escape single quote

Defines the behavior regarding a single quote escaping in exported translations.
Available options:

  • Do not escape single quote
  • Escape single quote by backslash (It's okayIt\'s okay)
  • Escape single quote by another single quote (It's okayIt''s okay)
  • Escape single quote by another single quote only in strings containing variables {0} ({0} it's okay{0} it''s okay)
Java Properties
Escape special characters

Any special characters (i.e., =, :, !, #) will be escaped by a backslash \ in exported translations.

Java Properties
Clean tags aggressivelyAdditional formatting tags related to text spacing will be removed on import. Useful when translating Office documents converted from other formats (e.g., PDF, etc.), and the conversion introduced lots of unnecessary formatting tags.Office documents
Translate hyperlink URLsHyperlink URLs will be available for translation.Office documents
Translate hidden textThe hidden text will be available for translation.Office documents
Translate hidden rows and columnsThe hidden rows and columns will be available for translation.Office documents
Import hidden slidesThe hidden slides will be available for translation.Office documents
Import notesThe slide notes will be available for translation.Office documents

Parser Configuration for All Project Files of a Specific Format

To set the preferred parser configuration for all files of a specific format, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Settings > Parser configuration.
  2. Choose the needed file format and click Edit.
  3. Set the preferred settings.
  4. Click Save.

To add a new file format, click Add Apps and install the required format.

Parser Configuration for a Single File

In some cases, you might need to set the parser configuration not for all files of some file format but just for a single file. To set the parser configuration for a single file, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Sources > Files.
  2. Double-click on the needed file.
  3. In the appeared dialog, switch to the Parser configuration tab.
  4. Set the preferred settings.
  5. Click Save.

Once you save the file parser configuration, Crowdin Enterprise will reimport this file and apply your settings.

Read more about file management in Crowdin Enterprise.

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