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Roles in Crowdin Enterprise define the level of access and control users have within the platform. By assigning roles, you can manage user permissions across the Editor, project settings, and organization settings.

Below you can find descriptions of each role and the permissions associated with it.


Owner is a person who created an organization and has complete control over it. The owner can invite users to the organization and manage their access, manage vendors, create projects and groups, upload source and translation files to the projects, set up integrations, edit organization settings, etc.


Admins have similar rights to the owner, with full access to manage the organization, including creating projects, managing users, and configuring settings. However, they do not have the ability to delete the organization or transfer ownership.

Use case: Suitable for trusted team members who need full access to manage the organization without the ability to delete it.


Managers have a more focused scope of control that varies on their assignment at various levels. Depending on the Permission granularity settings, Managers can be assigned at the organization, group and subgroup, or project levels. They inherit access to all child entities within their assigned parent entity (i.e., organization, group, or subgroup). Users in this role cannot manage vendors, invite or manage users at the organization level, or edit organization settings.

Organization Manager

Organization Manager can create and manage projects within the whole organization (including inviting people to projects and managing resources) and can access all the groups and subgroups.

Use case: Suitable for users responsible for maintaining consistency across multiple projects within the organization.

Group Manager

Group Manager can create and manage projects within the group (including inviting people to projects and managing resources) and inherit manager access to all the subgroups of the managed group.

Use case: Suitable for users responsible for managing a specific group of projects and ensuring consistency within that group.

Project Manager

Project Managers are responsible for the management of individual projects. Within those projects, they can manage project members, tasks, and resources, etc., but do not have access to settings or resources outside of their assigned projects.

Use case: Suitable for users who need to focus only on managing specific projects without broader organizational responsibilities.

Language Coordinator

Language Coordinator can manage certain features of a project only within their assigned languages. Language Coordinators can translate and approve strings, manage project members and teams, generate project reports, create tasks, and pre-translate the project content. Unlike managers, they cannot access other project settings (e.g., project files, integrations, etc.).

Use case: Suitable for users responsible for managing translation within specific project languages.


Developer сan upload files, edit translatable text, connect integrations, and use the API. Cannot manage project tasks, members and reports.

Use case: Best suits for users focused on the technical implementation of projects, such as integration setup, file management, etc.


Contributors include both Translators and Proofreaders, who primarily interact with the content within the Editor. They can view projects, tasks, and workflow steps to which they are assigned, access the Editor on corresponding workflow steps, generate personal translation reports, and communicate with other project members.


Proofreader can translate and approve strings within the projects they are assigned to. Proofreaders do not have access to project settings.

Use case: Suitable for users focused on ensuring translation quality and accuracy.


Translator can translate strings and vote on translations added by other members. Translators do not have the ability to approve strings or access project settings.

Use case: Suitable for users who are responsible for providing translations within a project but do not require additional permissions or access.


Vendors are separate organizations providing professional translation services. After you invite a vendor to your project, the vendor organization receives a copy of the assigned workflow step in the Incoming Projects section of their organization.

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